CPS491 - CPS492
Futura XL – Annex 1
Available colours
Product Description.
For companies in Group A and B and in any case with three or more workers complying with DM 388 of 15/07/2003 Annex 1 and L.D. 81 of 09/04/08 Art.45.
Kit Contents
1 Copy Min Decree 388, 15.07.03
5 Pairs sterile gloves
1 Mask with splash shield visor
3 Bottles sterile saline solution 500 ml CE
2 Bottles disinfectant 500 ml IODOPOVIDONE 10% iodine
10 Sterile Compressed Gauze Pouches 10×10 cm
2 Sterile Compressed Gauze Bags 18×40 cm
2 Sterile towels 40×60 cm DIN 13152-BR
2 Sterile forceps
1 Pack of absorbent cotton
1 Elastic tubular bandage case
2 PLASTOSAN 10 assorted plasters
2 Adhesive plaster rolls m 5 x 2.5 cm
1 Pair of bandage cutter scissors 14.5 cm DIN 58279
3 Tourniquets
2 ICE PACK instant ice
2 Minigrip sanitary waste bags.
1 CE digital clinical thermometer
1 PERSONAL sphygmomanometer with phonendoscope