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Evacuation chair: is training mandatory? Find out what the law says

What does Legislative Decree 81/08 provide for evacuation chair training?

When it comes to workplace safety and emergency management, a frequent question is: Is evacuation chair training mandatory?

To date, there is no specific legislation requiring mandatory training for the use of this device. However, Legislative Decree 81/08, which regulates the protection of health and safety in the workplace, requires the employer to adequately train workers in the use of emergency equipment.

In keeping with the principle of risk prevention, it is therefore essential that designated personnel know how to properly use the evacuation chair to ensure safe and efficient rescue operations.

Why is training necessary?

Although there is no direct obligation in the law, training in the use of the evacuation chair is a measure of good practice and compliance with general safety obligations. In fact, failure to use the device properly can result in:

Accidents from loss of balance while descending stairs
Damage to rescuers’ backs from improper lifting
Risk of shearing if chair is opened or closed incorrectly

To avoid these dangers, training should include both theoretical aspects (legislation, risk assessment, emergency management) and practical exercises, such as evacuation simulations.

Find the evacuation chair best suited to your needs

To ensure safe evacuation that meets safety standards, discover the evacuation chair models available at PVS.

Evacuation chairs PVS

Contact us for more information on available models.