605/M cabinet annex 1 enlarged


This cabinet is especially suitable for large communities, commercial and industrial companies, restaurants, schools, hotels and resorts.

Its main features include:

All-carbon steel construction, the paint finish of which ensures durability and strength.

Rounded edges to prevent accidental injury during use.

Two steel shelves to organize first aid products.

Door equipped with three shelves for increased storage capacity.

Removable bottle base for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Key lock to ensure security and controlled access to first aid products.




Kit Contents

1 Copy Min Decree 388 dated 07/15/03;
5 Pairs of sterile gloves;
1 Mask with visor shield;
3 Sterile saline solution bottles 500 ml CE;
2 Bottles disinfectant 500 ml IODOPOVIDONE 10% iodine;
10 Sterile gauze compress pouches 10×10 cm;
2 Sterile compressed gauze bags 18×40 cm;
2 Sterile towels 40×60 cm DIN 13152-BR;
2 Sterile forceps;
2 Packs of absorbent cotton;
1 Elastic tubular bandage case;
2 PLASTOSAN 20 assorted plasters;
1 Pair of bandage-cutting scissors;
2 M 5×2.5 cm adhesive plaster rolls;
3 Tourniquets;
2 ICE PACK disposable instant ice;
2 Sanitary waste bags;
1 CE digital clinical thermometer;
1 PERSONAL sphygmomanometer with phonendoscope;
1 PINOCCHIO opener + wind APR100K
4 m 4×10 cm gauze bandages;
1 Box containing: 3 sachets liquid soap, 3 sachets PMC disinfectant wipes, 2 sachets ammonia wipes;
1 Isothermal Blanket gold/arg. 160×210 cm;
1 TNT triangular cloth 96x96x136 cm;
2 Preparation 3.5 g Sterile USTION GEL;
2 Elastic bandage m 4×6 cm DIN 61634;
1 Sterile swab bandage 80×100 mm DIN 13151 M.


Size (W x D x H): 402x202x483 mm

Weight: 11.48 kg

Empty weight: 6.60 kg


Empty cabinet code: CAV605


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