DRESSING PACK FOR 805/M AND 505/M DM388 15/07/03 ANNEX 1 INCREASED AND L.D. 81 OF 09/04/08
Reinstatement kit for cabinet 805/M CPS660 and 205/M CPS525 Contents in accordance with DM 388 ‘annex 1 dated 15.7.2003 and D.L. 81 dated 09/04/08 art.45.
*Indicative image – product can be supplied in neutral carton.
Kit Contents
1 Copy Min Decree 388 dated 07/15/03;
3 Packs of absorbent cotton;
1 Disinfectant bottle 250 ml;
1 Bottle hydrogen peroxide 250 ml;
1 PLASTOSAN 100 assorted plasters;
1 PLASTOSAN 100 plasters 7×2 cm;
3 Tourniquets;
1 Pair of bandage-cutting scissors 14.5 cm;
2 Adhesive plaster rolls m 5×2.5 cm;
1 PIC 3 case containing: 3 sachets liquid soap, 3 sachets PMC disinfectant wipes, 2 sachets ammonia wipes;
10 Envelopes 25 sterile gauze compresses 10×10 cm;
6 Sterile gauze compress pouches 18×40 cm;
4 TNT triangular cloths 96x96x136 cm;
1 7-cm elastic bandage with bandage clips;
2 Sterile towels cm 40×60;
2 Packets of 10 paper handkerchiefs;
2 ICE PACK disposable instant ice,
1 Isothermal blanket gold/arg. 160×210 cm;
1 Pack of 8 assorted bandages;
1 EMOCONTROL antihemorrhagic bandage;
1 Elastic tubular bandage case;
5 Sanitary waste bags;
1 Mask with visor shield;
1 CE digital clinical thermometer;
2 Sterile forceps;
1 Hand disinfectant gel 100 ml;
3 Sterile saline solution bottles 500 ml CE;
2 Bottles disinfectant 500 ml IODOPOVIDONE 10% iodine PMC;
1 PERSONAL sphygmomanometer with phonendoscope;
5 Pairs sterile gloves;
3 sachets Burn GEL gr.3.5.