reintegration package DM388 15/07/03 annex 2 base and L.D. 81 of 09/04/08
Medication pack for first aid kits with basic contents Annex 2 according to DM 388 dated 07/15/2003 and L.D. 81 dated 09/04/08 Art.45.
Kit Contents
1 copy Min Decree 388 of 15.07.03;
2 Pairs sterile gloves;
1 Disinfectant 125 ml IODOPOVIDONE 10% iodine
1 Physiological saline 250 ml CE;
1 Sterile compressed gauze envelope 18×40 cm;
3 Sterile compressed gauze envelopes 10×10 cm;
1 Sterile forceps;
1 Pack of absorbent cotton;
1 PLASTOSAN 10 assorted band-aids;
1 Adhesive plaster roll m 5×2.5 cm;
1 Gauze bandage m 3.5x10cm;
1 Pair of scissors cm 10 FOR078;
1 Tourniquet;
1 ICE PACK Disposable instant ice;
1 Medical waste bag 250×350 mm
Weight: 1.05 kg