
Version without sphygmomanometer-to be supplemented to be compliant with content in accordance with ANNEX 1 M.D. 388 of July 15, 2003 (Art. 1) G.U. 27 of Feb. 03, 2004 L.D. 81 of April 09, 2008 Art. 45


Products defined as medical devices, contained in the first aid kit are in accordance with MDR 745/2017 of 05/04/2017.


1 Copy Min Decree 388 dated 07/15/03;
1 list contents PLR 25/2005;
5 Pairs sterile gloves;
1 Mask with visor shield;
3 Sterile saline solution 500 ml EC;
2 Bottles disinfectant 500 ml IODOPOVIDONE 10% iodine PMC;
10 Sterile compressed gauze bags 10×10 cm;
2 Sterile compressed gauze bags 18×40 cm;
2 Sterile towels 40×60 cm DIN 13152-BR;
1 Pack of absorbent cotton;
2 Sterile forceps;
1 Elastic tubular bandage case;
2 Adhesive plaster rolls m 5×2.5 cm;
2 PLASTOSAN 20 assorted plasters;
1 Pair of bandage-cutting scissors 14.5 cm DIN 58279;
3 Tourniquets;
2 ICE PACK Instant ice;
2 Sanitary waste bags;
1 CE digital clinical thermometer;
3 Bandage m 3.5x10cm hemmed;
1 Isothermal blanket gold/arg. 160×210 cm;
3 Elastic bandages m 4×8 cm;
3 Sterile swabs 80×100 mm DIN 13151 M;
3 Sterile swabs 100×120 mm DIN 13151 G;
1 VENTO mouth/mouth resuscitator;
1 Disinfectant bottle 250 ml.

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