CPS491 - CPS492

Futura XL – Annex 1

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Product Description.

FUTURA XL for Annex 1 is the first environmentally sustainable briefcase, made from 100% recycled materials by adding PP/Wood Plastic Compound (WPC-Wood Plastic Compound) with vegetable fillers between 30-40%. It retains all the qualities of wood, the strength of PP, and preserves the environment from the release of harmful plastics.
Equipped with holder for wall attachment, carrying handle and lock with 2 rotating clips.

For companies in Group A and B and in any case with three or more workers complying with DM 388 of 15/07/2003 Annex 1 and L.D. 81 of 09/04/08 Art.45.

Kit Contents

1 Copy Min Decree 388, 15.07.03
5 Pairs sterile gloves
1 Mask with splash shield visor
3 Bottles sterile saline solution 500 ml CE
2 Bottles disinfectant 500 ml IODOPOVIDONE 10% iodine
10 Sterile Compressed Gauze Envelopes 10×10 cm 2 Sterile Compressed Gauze Envelopes 18×40 cm 2 Sterile Cloths 40×60 cm DIN 13152-BR

2 Sterile forceps
1 Pack of absorbent cotton
1 Elastic tubular bandage case
2 PLASTOSAN 10 assorted plasters 2 Adhesive plaster rolls m 5 x 2.5 cm

1 Pair of bandage cutter scissors 14.5 cm DIN 58279
3 Tourniquets
2 ICE PACK instant ice
2 Minigrip sanitary waste bags.
1 CE digital clinical thermometer
1 PERSONAL sphygmomanometer with phonendoscope


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